Build Awareness

Book a Speaker at Your Event
Invite a Palmer Home representative to speak to your church, organization, or civic group to learn more about our mission.
Book a Speaker
Host an Interest Meeting
Allow us to use your space or gathering to share more about our cause and how our supporters help provide hope and healing to children in need.
Contact Us
Share Our Church Resources
Share our videos at your next church service or gathering to help spread awareness of our history, mission, and values.
Resources for ChurchesServe With Us

Schedule a Work Group on Campus
Bring a group of coworkers or friends to complete a project at our Palmer Home campus in Lake Cormorant, MS.
Schedule a Group
Organize a Necessities Drive for Palmer Home
Donating common household goods and essentials like paper goods, detergent, and diapers helps us serve those in need.
Schedule a Donation
Volunteer Your Time at Palmer Home
Volunteer at a Palmer Home event, on our campus, or as a mentor to help us reach children and teens.
Become a VolunteerSupport Financially

Donate in Honor or Memory of Someone
Donate in honor or memory of a loved one to share hope with those in need.
Be a Palmer Home Hero Each Month
Join our monthly donor program to become a Palmer Home hero.
Host a Third Party Fundraiser
Help children and families in need by hosting an event to benefit Palmer Home.
HOST AN EVENTPalmer Home News
Sign up for our e-newsletter of events and other initiatives,
and learn ways you can help.