Palmer Home Family Care

Palmer Home Family Care provides nurturing care to infants of incarcerated mothers with the goal of reunification.

Informed by the Whole Child Initiative, caregivers support mothers during their time in prison and after their release. Through their partnership with Family Care, birth mothers experience growth both as parents and as individuals.

How You Can Help

Interested in supporting the Palmer Home Family Care program? We are grateful for the time, energy and resources you are able to offer. Click below to get more information.

Build Awareness

Churches, civic groups, and organizations help spread awareness of our mission to provide hope and healing for children and families in need. To have a Palmer Home representative speak to your group, contact us to book a speaker or reserve a specific date.

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Provide Financial Support

Palmer Home and our Family Care program rely on the support of individuals like you to provide for the physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and educational needs for those in our care? Donations provide support for everything from diapers to tutoring.

Donate to Palmer Home
Become a Foster Family

Are you interested in becoming a foster family to an infant or child in need? Reach out to learn more about the process of becoming a Palmer Home certified caregiver and to speak with a Palmer Home representative who can share more about our mission and values.

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50+ Children Served

Last year, Palmer Home served more than 50 children in the Nashville area through our Family Care program.

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Why Choose Palmer Home?

Palmer Home Family Care offers the opportunity for mothers in prison to ensure their child is cared for with the goal of family restoration once their sentence is complete. As they build confidence, mothers are further equipped to successfully care for their child as they grow.

Founded on God's Love

In homes with Christ at the center, Palmer Home foster families show the love of God through their care and support of both the child and mother.

Goal of Reunification

Palmer Home recognizes the significance of the child’s biological mother and works to restore that key relationship.

Ongoing Support

Through consistent communication and connection, family caregivers promote the birth mother’s involvement in her child’s life during her time in prison.

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Impact Report
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