How Creating a Will Shows You Care

September 29, 2024

Before Dr. Gary Chapman became a bestselling author, he was a husband in a struggling marriage. His wife felt overwhelmed by the lack of help around the house, while Gary was disappointed that his encouraging words seemed to fall flat. One evening, his wife said something that changed everything: “You keep saying ‘I love you,’ but if you love me, why don’t you help me?” That’s when he realized they were expressing love in different ways. This discovery led to his well-known book, The Five Love Languages, which has helped millions of people learn how to show love in meaningful ways.

This story offers a powerful reminder: love is not just about words but about action. Whether it’s acts of service, thoughtful gifts, or quality time, showing care in a way that resonates with someone else is crucial. Have you ever considered that creating a will is another powerful way to show love? Legacy planning may not seem as romantic as giving flowers or sharing kind words, but it is one of the most impactful expressions of care you can offer to those you love.

Here’s how creating a will can be a profound act of love:

1. It Serves Your Family

A will is one of the most thoughtful ways you can care for your family. Without a will, your family may face unnecessary stress, confusion, and even financial hardship. When you create a will, you ensure that your financial affairs are in order and that your final wishes are crystal clear. You spare your loved ones the additional burden of making difficult decisions during an already emotional time. This foresight is a powerful way to show you care, offering your family peace of mind and saving them from unnecessary expense and legal complications. Your actions today can greatly ease their journey tomorrow.

2. It Shares What Matters

A will isn’t just about assets and legal documents—it’s a message to your loved ones about what you value most. It offers a unique opportunity to communicate what is most important to you—your beliefs, your values, and your hopes for the future. By intentionally planning how to distribute the gifts you’ve been given, you can leave behind more than just material possessions; you can leave behind a legacy of your heart. You may choose to leave personal notes to your family, expressing gratitude or wisdom. You might allocate resources to causes you deeply care about, such as ministries or charities that reflect your values. In this way, your will becomes a final testament to what truly matters in your life.

3. It Spreads the Love

What greater expression of love can there be than one that outlasts your own lifetime? Including a charitable gift in your will is a powerful way to continue sharing love, long after you’re gone. By leaving a gift to organizations that are close to your heart, like [Your Ministry Name], you extend your generosity in ways that will impact lives for generations. Your loving deed becomes a beacon of hope for those who need it most, embodying the timeless truth shared by Mother Teresa:

“Love has no meaning if it isn’t shared. Love has to be put into action.”

Your legacy plan isn’t just a financial document; it’s a lasting reflection of your heart and values. It’s one of the most significant ways you can show love for both your family and the world around you. With a thoughtful, well-planned will, you provide for your loved ones, support causes you care about, and ensure that your values continue to make a difference for years to come.

Legacy planning is more than a legal necessity—it’s an expression of love, care, and foresight. By creating a will, you are taking action that speaks volumes to those you cherish most. Visit the link below to find free legacy-planning resources, or contact us at to speak with a member of our team about legacy giving plans that benefit Palmer Home and the children in our care.



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