Palmer Home Family Care: Changing a Family’s Trajectory

May 1, 2024

Mother looking at sleeping babies in bedroom at home

Behind every number of individuals served by Palmer Home are stories of hope and changed lives. We are especially proud of one of the mothers in our Family Care program, Katie. Over the past five years, Katie’s family has become part of our own.

Like many of the women we serve, Katie was first introduced to Palmer Home Family Care while incarcerated. “I had gotten into some trouble and ended up getting pregnant with twins while I was on the run,” says Katie. “I turned myself in, and was sent to prison on Thanksgiving Day.” Susan Moffitt, our Director of Family Care, was volunteering at the prison for the holiday, handing out baskets to the women.

“Susan noticed I was pregnant and asked what my plans were for the babies,” says Katie. “I told her that I was praying and hoping for the best, but I was super scared. I didn’t have anyone to care for them while I was in prison.”

“Palmer Home had regular meetings at the prison where we could learn more about the Family Care program,” says Katie. “Susan would come visit any time she could. At one of the meetings, she told me she’d found a great family who could care for the twins while I served the remainder of my sentence.”

Katie’s plan was to partner with the caregiver family, but at the last minute, her sister ended up volunteering to care for the twins after their birth. “After a while, my sister couldn’t watch them anymore,” says Katie. “Susan was so flexible and understanding. She stepped back in with the original caregiver family from Palmer Home.”

“The caregivers were so good about keeping me in touch with my babies. We had video calls once a week and they helped me however they could,” Katie says.

At one point, it looked like Katie might be able to be released from prison early. Susan drove two hours to attend Katie’s court date, but ultimately the judge ruled that Katie had to do more time. “The caregiver family agreed to keep watching my babies as long as needed,” said Katie. “It was a huge relief.”

Katie was ultimately released from prison when the twins were eight months old. Our Family Care team helped Katie get a room at Renewal House, a nonprofit that helps women and their children get back on their feet. “The caregivers drove out with the twins, and Susan and case managers from Palmer Home brought me groceries to get us started,” says Katie. “It was such a blessing.”

Today, Katie’s twins – a boy and a girl – are four years old. Katie is enrolled in school, working full-time, and saving money to buy a home for her family. Katie also has a 15-year-old son, who she says was also served by our Family Care staff. “They never excluded him and helped with him however they could,” she said.

“I am so appreciative of all the support Palmer Home provided and everything they do. I don’t think I would’ve made it without them.”

Learn more about Palmer Home’s Family Care ministry here. If you are interested in making a gift to Palmer Home to help us support moms like Katie, you can do so here.

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